There are 2 very important components to marketing with Twitter, and I’ll be totally up front about it – no secret here!
1. You need to find and master the right Twitter aids and applications
2. You need to know everything about the specific peculiarities of Twitter presentation and communication
Some facets of Twitter marketing, you’ll easily understand, since you already use them expertly in your marketing and social networking efforts.
–But there are a vital few that are totally Twitter-unique
What If Just A Few Pointers Made 95% Of The Difference To Your Marketing Success?
Pointers like:
*The single most important advantage you must never lose sight of. (Get it right, and you’ll have a Twitter presence people will flock to!)
*The single monumental Twitter secret almost everyone overlooks
*2 small but crucial steps not to miss, when deciding how to market your Twitter self
but that’s just the tip of the iceberg…